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He was sitting at the temple gate, his face was tense and wan,
Relatives and friends had carried and placed him there at dawn.
He was lame, unable to walk, had been so from his Mother's womb,
He knew he'd be that way until they placed him in his tomb.

He could sit outside the door and beg from the people who passed by
who shook their heads and dropped a coin and heaved a little sigh
One day, Peter and John came by, anointed of the Lord,
and when they stopped, He raised his head, his burdened spirit soared

These men would surely help and lay coins at his crippled feet,
With which he could send his friends and by some food to eat.
But that's not what they did, they instead said "look on us."
So He looked up expecting some kind of verbal fuss.

He looked and they had eyes of love like he had never seen,
And as he was just about to say "I don't know what you mean."
"I haven't any money" is how he heard Peter talk
Saying : what I have, I give, in Jesus name, rise and walk.

Taking him by the hand he lifted him to his feet
And, leaping up, he stood, His body was now complete.
His feet and ankles now strong, as they entered the Temple door,
Leaping and praising God with joy he had not known before.

And all the people knew that this was the man from outside
Who was begging, as they passed, and shook their heads and sighed.
They were filled with amazement at that which had occurred,
And the healed man held Peter and John, as Peter gave this word:

Ye men of Israel, why marvel? Why do you stand and gawk?
It was not our power or holiness that made this man to walk.
The God of our Forefathers glorified his Son, Jesus is his name
And He is the just one you denied, delivered him up in shame

Demanded his death when Pilate was determined to let him go,
Whom God raised from the dead, we saw and know it is so.
And His name, through faith in his name, the name upon whom we call
Hath made this man perfectly sound in the presence of you all.

Now this story is true, straight from God's holy word
And deliverance is not only for the one about whom you heard.
There is healing for you, you only need rise and exclaim
"Praise the lord I'm healed, I'm healed in Jesus' name.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope