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When the Saints are gathered on the Sabbath each week,
They think church doors only open for the satisfaction they seek.
Most are unaware that the business conducted there
Is because God appointed leaders who love, and care.

People don't realize that an Elder is a rare and Holy gem
Whom I have dedicated to fulfill my word to them,
If an Elder or Board Member remains Holy and sincere
He represents my presence to everyone He comes near.

For He is a chosen vessel whom I authorize
To come before my throne when an issue should arise.
He obeys my bidding without partiality or neglect
And while serving me, merits your honor and respect.

The Pastor of my flock is my selection for you
For He admonishes, teaches and edifies too.
For I speak through Him when he stands before the Fold
And when my commandments and promises are told.

He is a Utensil with the Holy Spirit's gifts
To lead my flock as He praises and uplifts.
I have given him leadership and wisdom, by my choice.
Give him reverence and Honor, for He is my voice.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope