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When you rise up early, trying not to awaken your spouse,
Communing with God as you are quiet around the house,
Using whispered words that you choose so carefully,
In praise for your redemption, expressing your love for me,

Like a wound that is eased by a soothing salve,
Your human weaknesses are eased by sharing what you have.
But only the shed blood of Jesus can result in victory
When the sins you have committed have all been brought to me.

As you look in My Word, Philippians Four - Nineteen
You'll see what happens in the life that is clean.
And when you're giving substance as in Matthew Chapter six
I know your heart is in each hardship that you fix.

Now you need to know that every single deed, I see,
Whatever you do for others, you're doing for me.
As in Galatians six: six, the admonitions you must keep,
The relationship existing between the shepherd and the sheep.

When you observe my servant who has a special need
And you undertake to alleviate my servants need,
When no one else knows the way that you participate,
Your reward, when you see me, will be very great.

But until that time, continue to call upon me
For the obstacles in your life that no one else can see.
They are only stepping stones, placed there for you to use
Toward an Earthly goal you can never lose.

Even though Satan himself will try to rob your gain,
keep your eyes and mind on me and you will attain
A peace in your mind and heart that no one else can give
And I'll provide joy and Happiness as long as you live.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope