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Sometimes it seems like life is just a merry-go-round,
And maybe we even hear a distant calliope sound.
We allow ourselves to think some things do not exist,
And then comes the blow like a doubled up fist,

That shatters our escape from reality
With severe illness or death in the family,
The loss of life's savings or even much worse
If medical Science puts us under a curse,

And a loved one has contracted a fatal disease,
We are driven to finally get down on our knees,
And confess to God through our veil of tears
That we have ignored Him all these past years.

Craving a miracle, we implore, cry and plead
With the God of Creation to meet our need.
When down through the ages God has shown man
That He already has had the perfect plan.

For He made a way for us to come to Him
Before our Sin left us out on a limb.
He sent his son Jesus to take our place
And die for the sin of the whole human race.

If we will accept Jesus into our hearts
We'll be ready for Tragedy before it starts.
Now God will always hear our claim
When we come to Him in Jesus name.

Problems may not vanish overnight,
Yet we can be assured they will come out right.
For Jesus takes away every trace of sin
And gives us perfect joy and peace within.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope