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Life and Death

The place is a Funeral Parlor, at an event sometime in May.
A casket in front of the sanctuary, in which a Body lay.
Some of the folks are crying and others look so sad,
In the front row in the family room, a quiet little lad.

Asking about the corpse he says:" Why doesn't Grandpa get up?"
"He's asleep," someone says ,and now they begin passing the cup.
The widow had requested communion, hoping that her wayward Son
Would come to Jesus, as the rest of her family had done.

The little boy speaks again and says: "Why isn't Grandpa awake?"
"He's gone to be with Jesus" is the explanation they make.
The Mother explains that Grandpa's life had been so full of Joy
Because He gave his heart to Jesus when He was a little boy.

Then God led him to a girl whom He totally adored
They married and all their lives, they followed the Lord.
Grandpa's toil-worn Body was finally being laid to rest,
His life went to be with Jesus, and that part is the best.

For you can do the same and have a life full of Joy
If you do what Grandpa did when He was a little boy
And give your heart to Jesus He'll be in and with you each day,
No matter how rough it gets, He'll guide you all the way.

Now, when this life is over and you reach your final rest
Knowing that Jesus guided you through every test.
Rejoicing when Death has taken its ultimate toll,
Jesus shed His blood on the cross, to save your soul.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope