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The Living Lord

How often have you sung the song "my God Liveth" or "He Lives"
And have experienced elation that the song's message gives?
Or have you merely mouthed the words mechanically to the tune
As though you were singing a ballad about the moon?

How often has adversity caused you great distress
And created pain in your life, or sorrow or unhappiness?
And you begged the Lord in prayer to take your troubles away,
And your prayer was as mechanical as when you sang "He Lives today"?

There's no communication between the living and the dead,
And you can't recieve from a God who's only in your head.
For, when Christ was crucified for for sinners like you and me,
He arose from the dead again that we might be set free.

When the world and its turmoil or daily trials press,
Or when pain and afflictions cause you endless distress,
You'll get more results from prayer and a quicker relief from strife,
If a Living Christ is enthroned upon your entire heart and life.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope