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I've seen your lonely heart, crying from day to day,
Even though you're in a crowd, the ache won't go away.
The loved ones around you don't even know the plight
Which gnaws at you endlessly, day and night.

When conversation hits your ears like dripping rain,
Any effort to answer causes you extreme pain.
You have to make a living, so you try to hold a job,
Any endeavor makes your head pound and throb.

You feel that changing jobs will leave the pain behind,
But that adds more conflict to your burdened mind.
Joining different groups turns out to be a bore,
And you wind up feeling isolated more and more.

You feel like Loneliness may be starting a new trend,
But there's other people in your shoes, my friend.
They have wives, or husbands, or responsibility,
Even with a big family, they're as lonely as can be.

They wear fine clothes, live in ritzy neighborhoods,
They may even be from your neck-of-the-woods.
But even if their problem has a fancy name,
It can cause them to be miserable, just the same.

The chances are probable that many people you see
Have had serious problems, but they've been set free.
They openly came to Jesus with all their sin and pain,
They simply had nothing to lose, and heaven to gain.

My Son Jesus, shed his blood and died for you,
Accepting Him as Savior is all you have to do.
Just ask Jesus to forgive you of your sin,
And He will make you His next-of-kin.

Your life can then begin a fresh new start,
After Jesus has cleansed your aching heart.
All your loneliness will cease and disappear,
And your life will flourish with serenity and cheer.

You'll find joy in bringing peace to all your friends,
A strong zest for living and love that never ends.
You'll be eager to endeavor all you can do,
And find real salvation because Jesus died for you.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope