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Lost and Found

Did you know God was there, yes, even right by your side,
Besides regular breathing, He heard you when you sighed.
God's aware of every heart beat and even knows the hurt
Caused by a deadly remark that was wrong and viciously curt

He has always seen the sinful things that you have done,
So He caused his servant to tell you about His precious Son
To remove the dark cloud that hangs over your head,
Or erase all the wicked things you have said

That were meant to improve your own selfish ends
Which is why you've been abandoned by all your friends.
Now, all that's left is enemies you think wish you were dead
Because of all you've sacrificed just to get ahead

Now, most of the ones you've cheated and lied to have died
And you have to live with all the emptiness inside.
The ones that are left are living in misery
Because of your cheating ways and dishonesty.

But it isn't a life of ease and joy you have built,
Your days are filled with nothing but dishonor and guilt.
Because the ones you overran and destroyed to gain success
Are all on your mind now, and your selfishness

Has caused destruction and hate, wherever you go
And being avoided by everyone you know.
Now, you know that nothing can take your sins away,
For everything you did in this life, You have to pay.

You have to account for your deeds of the past,
And because of them you're going to Hell at last.
You think that now, you are doomed in the end
And you're lost. Well let me tell you, my friend

It's recorded in God's word, His Son Jesus Bled and died,
So you can have forgiveness, and peace and joy inside.
And because of those things, what you thought God couldn't do
Jesus' Blood has covered and given new life to you.

No more sadness for you know that Jesus bled and died for you
To give you new life, a new heart and a new start too.
Now you have been forgiven and you can hold your head up high,
You're absolutely, positive you're going to heaven when you die.

By F, W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope