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Love was not created, for Love always was,
For love, which is in everything that God does
Is God's nature, and Love is what He is.
It's His Character, and all the worlds are His.

And because He is love and wanted Fellowship,
He created man who soon began to slip,
Ignoring God's commanding voice,
And disobeying God by his own choice.

Because God's law was death for sin,
There must be a way that man could win
Forgiveness from God and perfect peace,
And genuine love that will never cease.

And the only way that could possibly be,
And for mankind to be finally free,
Was for God to send Jesus, His sinless child,
So God and Man could be reconciled,

Jesus shed His blood and died for man,
Demonstrating to all, as only His love can,
That what that love caused him to do,
Was to die on a cruel cross for you.

All you needed was to confess your sin,
And be completely cleansed within.
Giving your life a whole new start,
And endless love within your heart.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope