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In Love With Jesus

A middle aged man was employed by a large construction Firm,
And was moved to a mid-west town, it would be a very long term.
They sold the house they loved, packed everything they had
Left many friends behind, after a parting that was very sad.

After moving to a new home they finally got settled down
And began looking for friends in this old mid-western town.
He was highly Skilled which kept him very busy every day,
And didn't have any time to stop for rest or play.

While he was so occupied the one he loved the very best
Being friendless and alone, was getting more and more depressed.
In her desperation and weeping, she despaired of even life,
He came home from work one day to an almost lifeless wife

Who had cut her wrists and her blood was draining away.
Of course he stopped the bleeding and called 911 to say:
"My wife has cut her wrists and I need an ambulance quick."
That was when he began to realize his wife was very sick.

The Doctor told him counseling might help her a lot
And a local Minister is the only counselor we've got.
Now, a house of worship was a place to which he'd never been,
Because he'd heard they only tell you your life is full of sin.

Because of emergency he called the minister on the phone.
Who said "She should be released soon and shouldn't be alone."
Bring her straight to our house to stay for three or four days".
And the man thought:"He's going to try to make us change our ways.'

From the Hospital to the Minister's home he brought his wife,
He introduced her to Jesus, and Jesus changed her life.
When her husband came she was changed and happy and free,
And He said "I don't know what she's got, but whatever it is, it's for me.

Now what happened is not hard to understand nor even strange
They simply fell in love with Jesus, and let Jesus make the change.
He made them both free and Happy, and that isn't all he can do,
Fall in love with Jesus and He'll make you free and happy too!

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope 7/25/08

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope