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Pleasing the Master


Always, since creation sustained the pangs of birth,
The choicest servants were not valued by monetary worth,
But were the most desirable for their ability to adjust
To extremes of all situations requiring merit or trust.

A hireling who keeps going in spite of harshest days,
not requiring constant words of approval or praise,
but knows he had a job to do, an effort to fulfill,
His greatest pleasures in carrying out his master's will.

When He depends upon his master in times of great distress
It doesn't make his responsibilities any less,
But shows the servant that His master always cares
By helping him through the most strenuous affairs.

The times haven't changed for it's the same today,
For if Jesus is your Lord, there isn't any other way.
Because the path you've chosen has pitfalls and traps,
And it leads all the way to heaven without any gaps

To change what you believe in, or turn you aside
From witnessing to everyone that Jesus is your guide,
When blood, two thousand years ago, was shed on Calvary,
Makes a way to heaven possible for you and me,

And promises you that obstacles will appear along the way,
And hardships you'll overcome when you remember to pray.
You'll withstand the hardships if you stay close to Him
Because the pathway will sometimes fade and grow dim.

It is a valuable lesson, one that you will quickly learn,
Fame and wealth are dangers you will meet at every turn,
But you'll survive all the pitfalls that before you will lay,
If you serve and follow Jesus, every single day.

By F.W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope