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His Mother's Bible

The one love of his life was himself, he'd never known anyone good.
Everyone tried to use him quickest way they could.
Whenever he got a little ahead someone knocked him down,
Laughing at him hysterically as though he was a Clown.

He'd always endured humility and no matter what He did
He was either ignored or treated like a little kid
No one ever noticed even if He did something mature
Or if He mentioned some subject that he was absolutely sure

Would bring acknowledgement and credibility to his name,
It brought ridicule or rude words just the same.
The thoughtlessness of others who treated him with disdain
Was an ongoing circumstance that caused him much pain.

His continual low appraisal of self-esteem and worth
Removed any possibility of pleasure or worth.
He said: I'm just a nobody, it's best my life should end,
And entertained thoughts on a sinister trend.

His Mother had given Him a Bible, just before she died,
Saying here is real life if in Jesus you abide.
When she was gone he said: "I can't believe all this stuff"
For the life that He experienced was painful, and sad enough

Without reading about so much hate and sin and pride,
And all about now to finally get peace inside.
Then one day, despondent and full of despair
He found Himself in his Mother's favorite chair,

And her old Bible on a table close beside.
With sincere remorse He sat there and cried.
And thought He could feel his departed Mother near,
And could hear her say: "Read my Bible, Dear.

Jesus said I will never leave nor forsake you.
And if you believe in Him, His promise will take you
Right to the very foot of God's Throne
Where Jesus will claim you for his own.

Then you will finally have peace in your Soul,
You won't worry any more about an Earthly goal,
And God's promise that you will be free,
And forever with Him throughout Eternity.

By F.W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope