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Marital Bliss

The couple said: "I do" and headed up the aisle,
Then there was the reception which lasted quite a while.
They'd said vows quickly without giving them much thought,
The Engagement was much shorter than the License they bought.

They hardly knew each other and were very quickly wed
And soon discovered that love had all been in their head.
They were determined to make it work, and so they stuck it out.
But what she did most was sit around and pout.

He'd head off to work after coffee, toast and butter,
Work all day and come home to a house so full of clutter.
The messier the house became, the more depressed she got
Distrust was filling their hearts while genuine love was not.

They didn't go to Church and seek the pastor out,
And what they had for each other - was bitterness and doubt
What made it worse was that a child would soon come along,
Her heart began to fill with hate instead of a happy song.

She screamed at him and he treated her just like a working horse
All they did was argue, discussing settlement and divorce.
A wise man came to their house, God led him to the pair.
After coffee He told them that God had sent him there.

He said their ailing marriage was seen by the Father above,
And The marriage was failing because there wasn't any love.
They needed to know that there's a God who really does care,
And they can have Love, and God, if they go to him in prayer.

They knelt together and received God's son Jesus in their heart,
And were amazed at the depth of love God began to impart.
The love and devotion swelled within them and grew, and grew,
And God can give you the same. - More than you ever knew.

It's easy, get on you knees, and do the same as they,
Open your heart to Jesus, and receive him when you pray.
You will then belong to God, and be one of His Redeemed,
With more happiness and Joy than you have ever dreamed.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope