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The Master's Hand

Have you ever stopped to think that you're not the only one to face a serious problem, and that when you have done all a human can, and the problem only seems to grow, and you keep getting more miserable wherever you may go.

The world seems so futile as on you you blindly grope looking in vain for that one little ray of hope that will bring relief to your sorely troubled mind and that little bit of peace you cannot seem to find.

You notice as you struggle that others are around and that they, too, have problems but their feet are on the ground, and although they should be sunk in grief and woe, there's a smile on their face and suddenly you know

That there was something wrong with your little hunch that they had somehow learned to roll with the punch, for though their trials may be greater than your own, they seem to be so happy while you struggle and moan.

Well, there is a difference, for they have found a way to know that each tomorrow will be better than today. You'll never see a gloomy expression on their face for unhappiness and sadness cannot find a place

In a heart so full of joy for the load of guilt is gone and a life that's as clean as a fresh, new dawn because God sent his only Son to cleanse the heart of sin and wipe away the conflict and tears and war within.

Restoring the joy and serenity of a life now secure in the knowledge that God's love is sure, Knowing now that whatever in life may befall, even though you may stumble, perhaps even fall,

With His hand to guide you, you are never down for long, for in the midst of adversity God gives a song that lets the world know that you are now his child, no matter how high Satan's woes are piled,

For God's strength within you to go that extra mile, with His love inside you generating a smile, all the doubts are gone now, and each step along the way, you have complete assurance He's always there, every day.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope