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Peace of Mind

Well, summer's finally over and the leaves are turning brown,
The air gets very crisp and the rain starts coming down.
You didn't get to finish all the chores you had in mind,
And the clouds in the sky are not really silver lined.

They're dark and gloomy to match your sullen mood,
There's a mental wall around you so no one can intrude.
You're not feeling lonely, you just want it this way.
Because there's a problem, and you forgot to pray.

The problem got so big you thought "What can God do now?"
You've followed all the procedures the law will allow.
You've wanted to work things out in your own stubborn way,
And you've only gotten further in trouble every day

It's not an easy problem, and it simply won't solve itself,
And it can't be postponed or stored upon a shelf.
You got yourself into this mess, without anyforethought,
And there isn't any solution that you were ever taught.

You'd like to just vanish and crawl into a hole
Because any departure is just an illusive goal
The fleeting thought of death was simply a whim,
Because those you love would be out on a limb.

You wonder if anyone else was ever in this shape,
And if they were, how did they escape?
Is there anybody else really as dumb as that,
To get themselves in the spot you are at?

You've covered all the angles, there's no way out
And nobody knows yet what it's all about,
You've incriminated yourself into a final belief
That there's just no way you can get relief.

There is a way to relieve the aching mind,
And there is someone on whom you can unwind.
He knows what you've done, and what went wrong,
And you could have come to him, all along.

It's the Savior to whom you forgot to pray.
You could have gone to Him the very first day
And saved yourself a lot of trouble and time
For He can provide a hole from which to climb.

No matter what you've done, He loves you just the same,
He shed His blood for you, and Jesus is His Name.
He died upon a cruel cross to take away your sin
To give you total Forgiveness, and complete peace within.

All that and ten times more was accomplished for you,
And believing on Jesus is all you have to do.
Tell Him you would like for him to come into your heart,
Then He'll come in and give your life a complete, new start.

You'll have Joy within that you can hardly contain
Because Jesus has blotted out sin's ugly stain
And now your future is no longer dim,
You're bound for Heaven for you belong to Him.

By F. W. (Luckiy) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope