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Moral Legality

When Jesus preached in Israel two thousand years ago
Showing repentance, and the right way to go,
It didn't matter to Jesus whether they were rich or poor,
Only that He wanted to free them from every evil lure.

Depending on others to sustain his mortal needs,
And teaching that Salvation is won by more than deeds,
But obeying God's commandments was then the only way
To win immortality and live in heaven one day.

He healed many Sick Folk, His following was very great
From deep in the desert to the very temple gate.
So Envy and hate overcame the scribes and priests
The Pharisees and Sadducees behaving like evil beasts

Tried hard to trap Jesus in every way they could,
And were unable, because Jesus was pure and good.
Finally one of his Disciples betrayed him to the mob
That the Priests had stirred up to do their dirty job.

Whipped into a frenzy, they chanted that He must die,
And our Freedom came from their evil cry.
Beaten, bloody and shamed, and on a cross crucified,
His Sacrifice threw the door of Salvation open wide,

Satisfied forever the ancient law's demand,
And the necessity to follow and obey each command.
Completely fulfilled death's legal decree,
And bought eternal life for you and me.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope