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My Mother

I heard a cry of sorrow coming from an aching heart because the one that you hold dear had to suddenly depart. And the world with all its trouble was instantly left behind and gone are the tender words and all the years combined.

You couldn't bring back the gentle hands that wiped away the tears and comforted with voice so soft, that calmed the trembling fears. In the darkness of the night when everyone else is asleep, the heavy anguish surfaces and with shattered heart, you weep.

You whisper; Why God? I need her, why did you take her away? Wasn't her purity and love in evidence every day? Your broken heart crumbles as she's lowered into the earth, gone is the happiness, gone the joy and whatever life is worth.

It's easy to blame her maker, by saying He took her away but He is the giver of mercy and love and eternal life today. For He gave the world His sinless Son, to bleed and die for sin, His blood the final sacrifice that cleanses man within.

Now, He didn't take the life of the one you hold dear, but ended is all the suffering she endured while she was here. For in His hands she rests in peace, free from a world of care, and if your heart is "right" with God, she awaits you there.

Let your grief be turned to joy, for she looks on Jesus' face and the one you love has "arrived" Saved by His amazing grace She is not unresponsive for she left a legacy; the thoughts and prayers for you ascended constantly

The mortal life has ended now, but what cannot depart is the love, laughter and memory, deep within your heart, to emanate the Savior's love, in whatever she could do, to instill this word within your heart : Jesus loves you too.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope