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You can paint a picture of Jesus walking on the sea,
And of the waves so high on tempestuous Galilee.
You can paint the pitching ship and the men upon the deck,
But you can't paint their fear that there was about to be a wreck.

With The Master atop the water and his face so serene,
And the terrified Sailors as they viewed this ghostly scene.
And as Peter stands among them, lips quivering in fright,
Hears Jesus say "come" and steps down into the night.

The ship is full of water and with one step He's on the sea,
Walking toward his Master, looking around him falteringly,
He sees the tremendous waves towering above his head,
And his heart beats ever faster as he quickly fills with dread.

As the howling winds tear at Peter's frozen face and hands,
Mirroring the terror that from within expands,
And Peter starts to sink down into the churning sea,
And looking about him, desperately cried out, "Lord, save me!"

Then The Master firmly took Peter by the hand,
For this was something Peter could understand,
No matter what you see, no matter what you're told,
You can never sink when The Master's hand you hold.

After Jesus reached forth his hand to help him out,
He rebuked Peter gently, saying, "why did you doubt?"
For even though the Sea around you begins to churn
There is one thing Jesus' servant must quickly learn.

When you run into a tempest and your spirit starts to wane
Just call upon Jesus and turn every loss to gain.
And when the winds of injustice or violence come your way
just remember that Jesus always has the final say.

As the winds ceased when Jesus stepped into the ship,
So Satan's onsloughts must quickly lose their grip
When they meet the protection and the Power
In the name of Jesus, every minute of every hour.

By Francis. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope