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The Laws of Nature

The laws of Nature are wondrous to behold
And have been awesome for eons, it has been told.
Since God created them they have not changed
Not one of them has ever been rearranged.

You've heard that what goes up must come down
Which includes nearly every common noun,
But lighter ones like hydrogen
When released will ascend again.

Therefore under the most normal condition
It doesn't seem that the God of all Creation
Would alter decisions He previously made,
Like: A heavy mass traveling down a steep grade,

If unchecked, would gradually gather speed
And could take a life, or inflict much harm indeed.
If that should happen to someone you hold dear,
End of life is imminent, and it would appear

that a life was ended because someone drank too much
Or in some other way was under Satan's touch.
God doesn't influence some self destructive Soul
Whose actions, because of narcotics, are beyond control,
Because the wheels of fate, already in motion,
Become reality, when that one takes a notion
To disregard God's laws and becomes involved
In Mind-altering things, and has then evolved
Into an animal, destroying without shame,
A human life is over and it's God who gets the blame.
Those left behind, full of questions and tears,
That the tragedy occurred in ones productive years.

It's not God who allowed such a terrible mistake,
But unsaved perpetrators, and the evil path they take.
It's what they chose themselves, through lust or greed
That made Catastrophe almost guaranteed.

Just a careless step on the reckless path of sin
Can cause a life of regret for the fool you've been.
You can't restore a life, or the damage you have done,
Or escape the guilt, no matter how far you run.

If you take it all to Jesus, and the cloak of guilt you wear,
And if you are willing, He can take the pain you bear.
Just give your heart to Jesus and He'll give you peace within,
Take away the guilt, and every single trace of sin.

There may still be a heavy price, for Sin is never free,
You may have acquired a lengthy debt to Society.
There may be angry people with revenge and hate for you,
Demanding retribution and satisfaction too.

Just like the laws of Nature, difficult to reverse,
Trying to soothe a hurt can make a matter even worse.
But if you take it to Jesus and let Him pave the way,
Give Him complete control of all you do and say,

Your opponents may still hate you, there is no guarantee
That in this life, you'll ever be really free,
You still can have forgiveness and cleansing for your soul,
When Jesus is your Savior and Heaven is your goal.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope