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The New Beginning

Have golden days gone by when youth was at its best,
And now it's an effort just to meet each daily test?
Conflicts and wars throughout the Earth,
Jealousy and prejudice seem to start at Birth.

If the events of the day leave you feeling depressed,
And you're forced to accept bad news as a guest,
Family and friends don't care any more,
And death is all you've been waiting for.

Let me give you a small tip, my friend,
Raking your last breath is not the final end.
Just because your heart shudders, then beats no more,
You are at the threshold of a far different door.

Your Soul is still alive, it will never die,
And Eternity begins with your very last sigh.
If you're unsaved, listen and hear me well,
You'll live forever in a fiery, burning Hell.

But you can escape this worst of all fates
And find yourself headed for Heaven's gates
By accepting Jesus as Savior and Lord
And find His love and Mercy outpoured.

Fall in love with Jesus, confessing your sin
And He will restore you without and within.
He'll cleanse you completely and also forgive,
And then you'll have a reason to love, and to live.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope