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THE NEW WINE "Right Way"

What person here who received Christ does not have peace and joy,
unless ONE lets insignificant things take root and sprout and annoy?
Who sees in a brother or sister a fault, that HE himself has within
and feels that HE is better than ONE who once lived a life of Sin?

Is it better to be a Christian, saved by grace, who walks with constant fears -
because the life he REALLY lives is NOT what it appears?
Is it right to use innuendo in judging another's life
when your own conduct makes others see you as the reason for strife?

Would you rather go on the shaky path and have reason for doubt within?
Will your nights be full of terror and fear, each morning guilt and shame begin?
Or would you rather be a joyful person who IS, all he has ever seemed
because he is happy in Jesus, a sinner who has been redeemed,

Ransomed from sin and death by God's lamb of victory.
Who freely shed HIS guiltless blood that WE - might be set free.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Haven of Hope