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When the trumpet sounds and the rapture has occurred,
And you've received all the promises according to God's word,
Promises to those who accepted Jesus in their heart,
And happily await Eternity with Jesus to Start.

And as you view golden streets and jewels of every kind,
And there are no thoughts about those left behind,
Those who planned to one day follow the Lord,
But when you approached the subject they were bored.

They said: "I'll accept Jesus one day, but I can't right now.
I've got far too much to do anyhow,
I'm way too busy right now to stop and pray,
But I promise I'll accept Jesus in my heart one day.

Then they continued pursuing their mortal quest
For fame and fortune and all the rest,
They never took the time to accept Jesus as Lord,
And now they possess all that Hell can afford.

All they have now is sorrow and shame,
And constant torture in an eternal flame,
Totally aware of the promise they made to you,
That they would one day accept Jesus too.

But you will not be aware of their pain and distress,
For though you pleaded with them to answer "Yes,
I'll accept Jesus as my Lord and King,
And acknowledge that He is Master of Everything."

But of their Sad Plight you are not now aware,
For you have joy and peace that's beyond compare,
In a beautiful heaven where there is no night,
And Jesus our Lord and Savior is the light.

Where never again will there be sorrow or woe,
Just worshiping Jesus is all you'll know.
Where singing the praises of our Commander-in-chief
brings joy and glory beyond belief.

All because Jesus, centuries ago
Fulfilled God's law, and now you know
The penalty for sin was paid and you are free
To live with Jesus for eternity.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope