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Being Obedient

If you wake up in the night when the world is dark and still,
And your heart says you haven't done the Father's will.
That Old lady you saw comes back to your mind again,
For God had told you to go and slip her a ten.

You only had a few and one you could not spare,
So you walked on past and left her standing there.
You could have been used by God in more important ways,
But this old lady had not eaten in three or four days.

And as she stood there in her ragged tattered dress,
God had to find someone else to bless.
Your budget would have suffered if you'd given her a ten,
But you missed ten times that coming back again.

It doesn't matter if it had been a woman or a man
You didn't carry out your part of God's plan.
If you can't obey the Lord in something small,
How could you heed an urgent call? At all?

If there was some other way your creator could ask
That you perform some small obscure task,
It would be just as important, whatever it's worth,
As if God had sent you clear around the Earth

So the next time your heart urges you to make a move
It may be one of the Master's ways to prove
That if He could give you something very small to do,
For a very large task God could depend on you.

By F. W, (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope