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Faith Turned On

The light in a room is not turned on until you flip a switch
Whether up or down is on or off, you know which is which.
But you always know, without a doubt, that when you turn it on
The light will then be brightly lit, the darkness will be gone.

If then, the fixture does not give the room some light,
You know immediately that something isn't right.
Either there is no power or the bulb has burned out
However it happens, there isn't left much doubt

That if the power comes back on or the bulb is replaced,
Upon their effectiveness your confidence is based.
Knowing that if this happens and conditions are right,
When you turn the switch on, the room fills with light.

This is similar to talking to God when we have a real need.
There are conditions to which we must ultimately take heed.
We know the power exists because God is always there,
And He already knows and cares about the burden we bear.

But if, like the burned out bulb, faith is completely gone,
There can be no answers until it is turned back on.
Look in God's word to see where the answer is,
And find out if it is your responsibility or His.

In John Fourteen and verse Thirteen the answer lies
In our ability to believe that there is no disguise
In the Scripture that says: "In Jesus name - ask"
For with God there is never a difficult task.

The whole matter depends on whether we believe
That when we ask of God, we absolutely receive.
The answer will always happen, just the same,
When we remember to ask of God, in Jesus name.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope