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Paid in Full

These words are entering into your brain
Because you harbor thoughts of a blot or stain
In the records, about your integrity,
That leave a mark on your acceptability.

And the doubtful thoughts, the sinister kind
That heavily penetrate your troubled mind,
Causing belief that a long time ago
A little slip made God your foe..

Well, that is far from the truth, my friend,
God, who knew the beginning from the end,
Also knew an event would take place
That you would be unable to erase.,

But God, in his Mercy and Eternal Love,
Caused His only Son to descend from above
Bearing the penalty of agony and death
He purchased your freedom with his last breath

He said "It is finished", Which still means today
You are free, there is no price to pay
Just believe and accept God's Son Jesus in your heart
He will give your life a new and happy start.

Ask His forgiveness and repent of your sin,
And you will finally have peace within,
His word that you are his for Eternity,
And once and for all, absolutely Free.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope