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Your Pain


You wake up in the night and look into the dark
and the whole world, for you, is bleak and stark.
It's no better in the daytime, deep dread is your shroud
and you fortify yourself by talking out loud.

Depression has become, for you, a common thing,
and there is no joy, no happiness in anything.
You've known nothing but failure in whatever you have tried,
for every little obstacle, you just sat down and cried.

If there's something you can do, you've never found it out.
Every opportunity is overshadowed by doubt.
You think everyone who looks at you just sits and glares,
and life is not worth living because nobody cares.

Now stop thinking about yourself and take a look around,
see all the negatives by which your life is bound.
It's time for you to realize there's one who cares for you,
who loves you intensely, no matter what you do.

God, who created you, knows where you have been,
and although He had not caused the mess that you are in,
also created a way, whereby you may be made free,
even though it may be a path too close for you to see.

Man became so evil, many centuries ago, that
God created sacrifice, blood would have to flow.
Innocent animals would die, their deaths would then atone
for the disrespect, toward God, that all mankind had shown.

Humanity became worse and worse, sin had filled the Earth
So God sent his only Son to be born a lowly birth.
His life, Pure and Holy, He gave up his throne on High,
Bearing all our Sin and sorrow, He knew that He must die.

He willingly gave up his life that we might be made free,
showing by his death his great love for you and me.
The humiliation and shame, and all that He went through
was the price He paid in full - for what now bothers you,

Your depression, your sorrow, your dread and your fear,
the trials you face, and every single tear,
were taken by Jesus, God's Son, who in death
Forgave the ones who killed Him with his dying breath.

Then He arose from the Grave, the whole world sings,
Redeemed by the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
Now you can rejoice and be thankful each day,
that Jesus your Savior took your pain away.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope