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Freedom From The Past

He loves you, though you may be discouraged now,
The Prince of Glory, Son of God, loves you anyhow.
Your past is on your mind, the Sinful life you led
Is still coming back Rattling around in your head.

But Jesus paid an awful price, ultimately died for you,
Taking away the guilt, the shame remorse can do.
God's word says your sin is buried in the deepest sea,
It can never be remembered and you are forever fee.

And when your mind dwells on what you did so long ago,
The pain in your heart follows wherever you go.
When God, through his Son, gave you peace and liberty
From the sordid pangs of evil, you gained the victory

Until you allowed the sin of former days to rear it's ugly head
Causing you grief and sorrow for what you did and said.
But leave all that stuff behind you, begin obeying God's Command
To rejoice and be glad that you are safe in His mighty hand.

And when Satan would harass you with ugly thoughts from the past
Just plead the Blood in Jesus' name, for you are free at last.
If word or deed reminds you of Sin in your youthful days
Glorify God in worship, in song and love and praise.

Now Jesus took your sin to the cross, reigns with love and power
So you can live in love and peace, joyful every day, every hour.
Free from the fear of sorrow, Guilt, pain and death,
Grateful for your redemption, thankful for every breath.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope