King David, of Bible times, was protected all his life,
Because he called on God at the start of any strife.
In his youth he was chosen to become his Nation's king,
Because he trusted his God completely in every single thing.
God's hand was upon him in everything he did,
Even gave him my servants to jump at every bid.
God gave him many wives but he made one mistake,
He took another man's wife, his own life was at stake.
He had broken Hebrew law that said he had to die,
And when he was chastised, he knew the reason why.
But he was repentant and sorrowful from the start
And because God knew the condition of his heart,
He received forgiveness but was told he had to pay
For the transgression he committed that fateful day.
He committed murder also, punishable by death,
When for lust and greed he took another man's breath.
Because he was repentant, God put his sin away,
Even though there was a penalty that he had to pay.
The lesson here is that God loved him so very much,
That he stepped in and saved David from satan's clutch.
And then just because there are wrongs that you have done,
The answer is so beautiful, there is pardon to be won.
For in those ancient days, sacrifice must be made,
And in that bloodshed, atonement could be made.
But God decided that that law was too tough,
It didn't make man's peace with God complete enough.
He needed to make a new law that would give HIM peace of mind,
Creating pardon and redemption for all mankind.
So He sent his own Son, Jesus, to take upon him human form.
Propitiation for sin, bringing peace to your storm.
He hung upon a cross and shed HIS precious blood
which reaches through the ages into the muck and mud
And lifts you up so quickly to safe and solid ground
Because with his pardon there is no sin to be found.
For though once you were so rough and so wild,
Accepting Jesus as your savior made you his child.
He has given you a new life, no more sink or swim,
Instead, a new, clean heart, and the will to live for him.
Radiating the love of Jesus in all you do and say,
Echoing the Joy of your salvation each and every day.
By F. W. (Lucky) Hope
Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope