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The Master Plan

Before there was a beginning, before time began,
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit devised a plan
To create man for fellowship and worship he could give,
But first an environment where he could live.

They created Earth, where life could be sustained,
And man's love and companionship would be gained.
The creation of everything, animal, fish and bird,
All the Stars and Planets by just the Living Word.

Who from the very beginning was the Son,
And without Him, not one single thing was done.
He originally planned that man should never die,
But eternally live to worship his God on High.

Then man sinned and lost his immortality,
And death, for sin, was the final penalty.
Man had lost his fellowship with his Lord,
Which only through Sacrifice could be restored.

For God had said "the only way to atone
Is to come to Him through bloodshed alone."
But the sins of the people were numerous and great,
So God said He would alleviate their fate.

There was a catch in the original plan,
It couldn't be as effective as this new one can
It's a sacrifice that atones for all mankind,
For your sin and mine, the plan was designed.

There must be a perfect sacrifice in our stead,
And for one final time, Blood must be shed.
So He sent his Son, Jesus, to die for me and you,
And accepting Him as Savior is all we have to do.

It makes no difference, whatever you have done,
Sin has been defeated, the Victory has been won.
For Jesus, God's Word, takes every sin away,
And you can have Him in your heart today.

Just repent of your sin and ask Jesus to forgive,
Take him as your Savior as long as you live.
Days may be rough but you'll have joy you never knew,
Because God's Word, Jesus, loves and cares for you.

By F.W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope