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Pleasing God

Genius isn't always useful in God's eyes
Or the one who screams to be heard.
You don't need to be strong or exceedingly wise,
To cause other's hearts to be stirred.

It isn't the affluent who serve God the best,
Nor necessarily those with skills,
And it isn't special talents that meet each test
Of being able to do what God wills.

God is not served just by being in front
Or by memorizing God's Holy Word,
Thinking to be used is the hunt
For a way to always be heard.

But when God's word is In your Heart
With daily petitions upon your knees
And the Servants God has set apart
Are the Subject of your prayers and pleas.

It isn't your actions while in His House
That The Lord will reward you for,
But the Love for your Neighbor or your Spouse
That you have outside the Church Door.

They who, Christ's child, and servant want to be
And have love for the stranger they meet,
Telling him the simple Gospel
And leading Him to Jesus' feet,

Receive more abundant Grace and Love,
Patience and Joy never cease
Because they are seen by God up above,
And it is He they are able to please.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope