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Prayer or Praise

Who knows God's power or can conjure it in his mind?
Is a check of any value before it has been signed?
These two questions bring objectives for our use
'Don't bother me with trivia' - is the usual excuse

People use when they really don't know what to say
If you ask them when was the last time they knelt to pray.
The human mind is so finite, it can't know what was meant
When God's word declares that God is omnipotent,

He could destroy the world with a silent thought,
Evaporate in one second the Universes He wrought
When He created everything that exists
From nothing more than dark foggy mists.

God, who has total power over life and death,
Also has control over every single breath
Now If you have a quest or a desperate need
That you take to God, and for mercy plead,

Like Home Foreclosure or a very sick child
You've cleaned up your act and are reconciled.
Jesus is now your Master and King
And you have made him Lord of everything,

You think that now, if you beg and plead
And remind God constantly of your desperate need,
That He will eventually hear your prayer
And take your cause into his tender care.

But wait, God did not ignore you at all,
For He was attentive and heard your first call.
You kept begging and pleading, day after day
Not knowing that THAT really is not the way.

In God's Holy Word you'll find several ways
To secure what you need, and one is praise.
Give Him lots of praise, thanks and glory too,
For doing what you are sure He can do.

Giving thanks, it's written in the Word,
To make your petition known, and heard.
So don't beg, give praise and thanks each day
And God will victoriously provide a way.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope