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The Man of God cannot say what He really knows
About God. Nor is it in any poetry or prose
Nothing is as mysterious as three divine Spirits in one
Who actually took the form of a humble human Son.

Beyond imagination is the only term we can use
To describe How the Father asked Jesus to choose
To take upon himself the sins of all Mankind
Bringing instant relief to the tortured mind

That was heavy laden with Sin - grief - or woe
Possibly like a cancer that was beginning to grow.
Relentless in progress, ending in death.
In ignorance and defeat until the very last breath.

Enduring indignities wherever He trod,
Witnessing in Humility, but He was still God.
Uttering words of such power and Grace.
That to this day can erase every single trace

Of disease whose end is so steady and sure,
Or the burdens of life so hard to endure.
What you have to remember is what Jesus said
In the book of John, it can be clearly read.

John fourteen, thirteen has the most powerful word
That anyone until now has ever heard.
The word is "Whatsoever", and it means you
Don't have, or know anything that word cannot do.

Jesus said "Whatsoever you shall ask in my name"
And that means the result will be exactly the same
As if Jesus Himself came and stood close to you
And said "What you have asked, I will positively do."

Jesus told his disciples "I will rise from the dead"
And history proves he did what He said.
The words "It is finished" were the last he had to say,
Also means your need was met for you today.

By F. W.(Lucky ) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope