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When you have devotions, as you call on God each day,
Do you recall his word and how it guides you when you pray?
When you have a little problem and you need to reach God's ear,
And come to Him with trembling, hesitation and fear,

If there has been a tragedy or a loved one went astray,
A time of dreadful sickness or a child turned the wrong way,
It could be something small, whatever be your need,
There are directions in God's word to adhere to and heed.

God has promised He will hear you if your plea is in His will,
And if you approach Him there are obligations you must fill.
You should come into his presence with thanksgiving and praise,
With repentance and sorrow for your human, sinful ways.

Lift your voice to praise Him and Glorify His name,
Because His Son Jesus came and took away your shame.
Your burdened soul is free now, your load of guilt is gone,
And you have perfect peace of mind and your life's a brand new dawn.

Since you came before Him and asked according to His will,
He has promised to hear you and every need fulfill.
You don't need to beg when you come to God in prayer,
Just come in Praise and Worship, and He will meet you there.

The promise that He heard you is in His Holy Word,
When you came with Thanksgiving was when His will occurred.
Now, His answer might not be exactly what you want,
But it will be far better than Satan's bitter taunt.

When you come whimpering and crying to the Lord,
And says: "Was that the very best prayer you could afford?".
But you know when you came to God with thanksgiving and Praise today,
It was according to God's will and your answer's on the way.

His answer might be that you must wait a few more days,
But you can do it faithfully with Thanksgiving and Praise.
Stand upon that promise, without allowing any doubt,
You'll see God's way is best when His Will is carried out

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope