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Pleasing To God

If a boy approaches Mom or Dad
about something that He needs
Saying "I gotta have this, or that"
And demands it, rather than pleads,

Even if the sweetest words
That he was able to impart,
Came from his mouth, with actions,
But not from within his heart,

It isn't likely a good parent
would immediately agree,
Even though necessity
Caused the initial plea.

There would be a lot more tendency
To give attention to the appeal,
If the approach was made in love
And attention that was real.

The same relationship exists
Between heavenly Father and man,
As King Solomon demonstrated
When conversation with God began.

He assigned many hundreds of people
To stand at the Temple in Ranks,
With instruments loudly playing,
While dancers and singers gave thanks.

With thunderous acclamation
All ascribe Glory and Praise,
Amid thousands of grateful shouts,
Solomon kneels and prays.

It says in the Holy Scriptures
In the one hundredth psalm verse four,
To give both praise and thanksgiving
While entering the Temple door.

We should all be encouraged therefore,
not to beg like the little boy,
but come to God with gratitude
and shouts of praise and joy.

Though you may be Sad or discouraged
God will hear you anyway,
But He's much more likely to be pleased
With praise and thanks when you pray.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope