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The Greatest Purchase

As the disciples assembled in the pre-dawn's murky gloom
Two women named Mary, and Salome, entered Jesus' Tomb.
They came to anoint His Body with spices of great price
For the custom of that era was very clear and concise.

A body must be bathed the first non-sabbath day,
And swathed in spices and perfume against decay.
A very great Earthquake struck, an Angel rolled the stone
Away from the tomb's door, and sat on it, alone.

He spoke to the women as they were drawing near:
"You came seeking the crucified one, He is not here.
Behold, you will not find Him among the dead,
But the Savior has risen, just as He said."

Now as the details of this story begin to unfold
And as the price that Jesus paid is told
Eternal life, with Jesus, for you, is assured,
Because of the agony and shame He Endured

His flesh was ripped from his back with a scourge
Indescribable realities begin to emerge,
That Jesus' body was literally torn apart.
So that He might gain a place in your heart

The living Christ will cleanse away all sin
And make you clean and pure within,
The Love and Joy that Jesus will give,
Brings peace and freedom, as long as you live.

By F. W. (Lucky)

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope