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Real Love

To each of us there comes a time when we are low, when fate seems so determined to thrust a heavy blow, and when nothing else, it seems, could hurt us any more we find ourselves forced to endure the thing that we abhor.

Rage turns into dejection and finally despair, and our heart cries in the blackness, "doesn't anybody care?' We try to pray, - but our voices bounce back off the wall, and it seems that even God won't listen to our call.

But wait just a moment and pause, while you reflect, take the time to consider why your life was wrecked. Was it anything that you are accusing yourself of? Or is it just the fact that somewhere there wasn't any love?

Real love would never offend or deny any person's right, and the absence of real love is the basis of any plight. Throughout the annals of history the evidence is clear, No one has purposed harm to one he really does hold dear.

But real love isn't humanly possible and here's the reason why: It has to come from the Son of God who came to earth to die, who demonstrated selfless love and all the time He knew: No matter how He lived His life, He was going to die for you.

God's evernal law was death for the sins of the human race, but Jesus, God's Son, loved you so, He came to take your place. His shed blood wiped the slate and you start out anew by merely believing Jesus Christ gave His life for you.

Now change doesn't come immediately, nor reversals overnight, but Jesus will give you that love and the will to make things right. Gradually, the world will brighten, new dimensions will appear, and the freedom to face anything without worry, guilt or fear.. Joy and peace will flood your heart, life will be fresh and new, and you really will have happiness, because Jesus died for you.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope