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It doesn't take much thought - to view what God hath wrought
While in a lazy afternoon reverie;
While relaxing in the shade that a great Oak has made
Imagination helps the mind's eye to see

A City's stone hedge - right at the desert's edge
At the entrance a huge iron gate
No other approaches by pedestrians or coaches
But everyone there must wait

Until the watchman appears and operates the gears,
And the huge iron gate opens wide.
The folks assembled there and one with very long hair
Are then allowed entrance inside.

As the crowd disperses, they open their purses
Hoping to satisfy some need.
The Long Haired one stops at one of the shops
And the shopkeepers smile shows his greed

Samson, to Gaza had come and with a small sum
Wanted to buy a small trinket or charm
And hoped he could convey His love in a way
That would not be a cause for alarm.

The Philistines He'd slain caused the Gazites much pain
And since in a Harlot's house He stayed
The elders of the City Had no love Nor Pity
And Plans to kill Samson were made.

But Samson was endowed with the strength of a crowd
And pulled up the huge Iron Gate,
When He'd received word that the Gazites had heard
And a small Army was lying in wait.

He wasn't very wise when He listened to Delilah's lies
And the Philistines sheared his long hair.
He became their slave till He went to his grave
Taking thousands of them with Him there.

Now, you'll be on the run, the way Samson has done
By failing to Heed God's Word.
Whether one or a Host, you won't be able to boast
Samson's strength upon you was conferred.

Though the Story is old, You, too, can be bold,
And your feet with Courage be Shod
Your endurance will grow, Joy and Love you'll know
If you give your heart and life to God.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope