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To Save A Soul

In that moment you were aware that a friend or Brother
Had a need you could fulfill in one way or another
And without thought of personal gain or loss,
Succeeded in leading that soul to the cross,

Was the knowledge that a soul is forever free,
And redeemed from the law's curse eternally
You were eager to do service for Jesus the King,
Causing myriads of Angels to make Heaven Ring.

A soul far from God, it had always seemed
He could never stand before God, redeemed
And is now the Lord's trustworthy servant too,
Because God sent someone with a need to you.

This becomes a pattern by which you can discern
That here is a lesson for any Christian to learn:
The Joy of a lost soul you have led to the throne
Is great, but very little greater than your own.
By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope