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Land, Sea and Space

When you go to the ocean and look out across the sea
And view thousands of miles of ripples, as far as you can see.
Constantly in motion in any ocean you are on
With waves crashing on the shore from dawn to dawn,

Perpetual motion so vast, that only God can create,
Thousands of miles of emptiness can make a watery fate
If someone tries to cross a sea without the proper craft
And without a lifeboat aboard or a well-stocked raft.

If you are aboard a vessel and many miles out to sea,
At night view myriads of stars God created for you to see
So precise is their orbit as they travel through space,
Man can project his journey from place to place.

All of creation functions together at God's fixed rate
And Historians are able to trace any event to exact date
So Craft or even man who navigate land, or sea or space,
Base their calculations on the exactness of planets in place.

Only a person who has never traveled by land, sea or air
Would be stupid enough to try to prove that God really isn't there.
For all the things that man accomplishes or does
Merely point to the fact that our God always was.

And created a plan that would sacrifice his only Son
Because no one was ever able to devise a better one
That would include a way for you and me
To live with Him and His son Jesus for eternity

By F. W. ( Lucky ) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope