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Softened Heart

He'd thought her love for Jesus was just a joke,
And that her placid behavior was a masking cloak,
Reading her Bible was a complete disguise,
He could see the love and devotion in her eyes.

It disturbed him because He always thought that He
Was the only one she should love so devotedly.
She had always been faithful in her love for Him
So He couldn't say it was just a passing whim.

She urged him gently to change his wayward ways
And have her love for Jesus the rest of his days.
But he'd refused and didn't understand her glow
When she sang "Jesus loves me this I know".

Through the years he continued to drink and play
And smirk impatiently when she knelt to pray.
And when she asked Jesus to Save His soul
He'd thought that she was only playing a Role,

And the days went swiftly flying by,
She never ceased to kneel and pray and cry.
Then one day, there was a report from the Lab
That gave his heart a most fiery stab.
Because all that time she'd spent on her knees
Hadn't prevented a fatal disease
Finally racking her frail body with pain,
Reality came to his alcohol soaked brain,

He was about to lose his beloved wife,
who once was the most precious thing in his life
Until the love of liquor took her place.
That's when the serenity in her face,

And as she lay dying, he suddenly knelt
And poured from his heart the sorrow he felt.
Holding her hand, He gave Jesus his heart,
Too late, for death had made them part.

Her prayers were answered, He'd come to the Lord,
Only because he lost what he'd once adored.
Don't wait to lose what's most precious to you,
Before you give your heart to Jesus too,

Make Him now the Lord of your life
And end forever the turmoil and strife
He'll cleanse your heart, forgive your sin
And give you joy and peace within.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope