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On Mother's day, May 9, 1943, very far from home and very close to tears, but too proud to let any of the other GI's see, I wrote the following poem. My Grandmother got hold of it and had it published in the paper, and in Mom's honor sent her several hundred copies printed on special paper, with two American, 48 star flags on them. It has been tucked away in a drawer until now.

Dearest Mom, on this day of all days, your soldier thinks of you.
And being so very far from home has made me sort of blue.
I remember how on Mother's Day I always wore a red rose,
And how proud I was to wear it, only a Mother knows.
Your soldier boy misses his Mother, and the love he always got;
And in my heart, dear Mother, you will always find your spot.

I know you laid awake many nights, praying for your wayward son,
And the burden you bore in your heart could not be measured by the ton.
I know you prayed to God to keep your son from day to day;
Your prayer was answered, for now he walks a dedicated way.
What better reward could be? For what more could you ask?
For to raise a son to manhood is indeed a heavy task.

Now, as he reaches the age of manhood, to be exact, in just six days,
He realizes it was his Mother's prayers that helped him mend his ways.
Many sons haven't Mothers like mine, who are so sweet and kind;
And I don't plan, when you are in heaven, on being left behind.
So, as I write this on Mother's day, I realize, too,
That you have made my life complete just by being you.
Why give flowers to Mother when she has passed away?
Why not give them to her now, while she lives today?
If you wait till she is gone, how can she possibly know?
You know you love her an awful lot, then why not tell her so?
Mothers can be made very happy by just a word or two;
Then the only way to accomplish that depends entirely on you.

Why not make Mother's day every day, instead of once a year?
Does she only help you once--or only shed one tear?
No, she labors day by day to give her kids the best,
And works for you untiringly without stopping to rest.
I don't intend to await Mother's death to buy her a bouquet;
So help me, she shall have them while she lives today.

I appeal to all who hear --Mother is the best friend you'll get,
And the little things you can do for her you never will regret,
It will be far past Mother's day when this letter gets to you,
But, for the writer, it is Mother's Day, and this is all he can do.
I hope you like the roses, Mother, they were the best I could find,
To show my constant gratitude for always being so kind.

To show how much I love you, although they don't compare
With the love I send to you, or your ever loving care.
I pray God's blessing upon you, may He keep you day by day;
Please, God, forever guard her, and keep her from harm's way.
Please bring me to her safely, when all this strife shall end;
And, until it does, continue, please, to protect and defend - -

My Mother, --- Amen

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope