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Soul Winning

When you see a young woman struggling with a squirming child,
An armful of Groceries and a monster going wild.
Instead of glaring looks and thoughts of mature advice,
Do a deed for Jesus and say something kind and nice.

If you're at an event and someone knocks your hat askew,
Or uses words of blasphemy to annoy and bother you,
Don't let thoughts of retribution even enter your mind,
Give the thoughts to Jesus, saying something nice and kind.

If at any function you hear words both ugly and rude,
Instead of letting them keep you from digesting all your food,
Just ask Jesus to bless all that you think and eat
And all that enters body and mind, He will keep it sweet.

If you're in a conversation that becomes immoral and unwhole,
And you know if you continue it will do damage to your soul,
You belong to Jesus who governs all you do and say,
It won't be disrespectful to ask if you can pray.

You represent your Master, wherever you may go,
and in your words and conduct they will see and know
That you serve a higher power who controls each deed and thought
Giving you the opportunity to say that you've been bought,

That Jesus died to save you and cleanse you from all sin,
and made you a new creature without and within,
He has power to save others by his wonderful Grace,
And the light of his glory can be seen in your face.

Tell them that Jesus can forgive their sin-sick soul,
And by his Grace make them every whit whole.
You can take a soul to Jesus, with all his cares and needs,
Who can then make him whole, because of your words and deeds

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope