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The Holy Spirit

Do you get depressed and sometimes very sad
And you can't recall a time when you felt very glad?
Have you lost a friend or a loved one you held dear
And since their departure, there just isn't any cheer?

Has it been a long time since you came to the Lord
With the problems and failures that keep you so bored?
Do you silently stare into the blackness of the night
Saying "Why can't I ever do anything right"?

Does it seem so useless to get down on you knees
Because you don't feel that God will hear your pleas?
When you make up your mind to get down and pray,
You feel so hopeless because you don't know what to say?

You think God wouldn't hear you, you're just not living right,
And that's not so easy, you've tried with all your might.
There are many avenues and you've tried them all in vain,
And you don't think a Christian should have so much pain.

Well, don't look any further, I am what you're searching for.
I can solve every problem and I can open every door.
I can break the bonds of hopelessness and set you free,
I am the third member of the Holy Trinity

I have all power and all knowledge, I can fill you with more
Glory and strength than you've ever felt before
Just fall in love with Jesus, then give yourself to me,
And you'll be amazed at the new person you will be

I'll take control of your tongue and mind and hands,
And give you a language no one understands
I'm the Holy Spirit and I have the power
To keep you victorious every minute of every hour

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope