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How many times have you said to almighty God:
"Lord, not my will but thine,
You can see what lies ahead, and your judgement
Is far better than mine"?

The intentions of your heart were good,
You know you've been redeemed,
But depending on God for everything
Was more difficult than it seemed.

When some phases of your life
Seem uncertain and obscure,
It's hard to give up full control
And sit back, serene and sure.

When you've always been independent
And done everything your own way,
And you want Jesus to be Lord
Of all you do and say.

But when there comes a time
Of great anxiety or stress,
And you find that Human effort
Didn't clean up the mess.

Giving The whole problem to God
Is good, although not quite enough,
You must learn to be patient and wait
Even if the going gets rough.

For faith is also confidence
That God will take control,
And just when you least expect it,
He'll pull you out of the hole.

After a couple of episodes
In which He has made a way,
And at the last moment you'd wondered
If God had heard you pray.

You'll never again worry whether
God will bring you through,
You'll know that in every instance,
God loves and cares for you.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope