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Talents And Gifts

If you are one who possesses a special talent or gift
And the use of it gives others an emotional lift,
When they are transfixed by what they see or hear,
And they gush compliments that your gifts appear

To be so delightful and pleasant to the ear, or the eye,
And you inwardly glow with pride and maybe cry.
But be careful, if you're God's Daughter or Son,
And see that He gets the glory for what you have done.

Because you're His creation and your ability to perform
Was built upon HIS ability to calm each storm
By the forces of evil along the way
when they tried their hardest to turn you astray.

Now, each time your talents are on display
And obstacles appear along the way
If you show that by God's mercy and grace
His Love moves the hindrance and glows on your face,

He'll give you contentment and joy each day
And he'll be in control of all you do and say
And everyone will receive a spiritual lift
Because God has been using your talent or gift.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope