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Your Task

Will you take a few moments and concentrate on this
Because there are some thoughts here that you might miss,
That may help you avoid a snare or a fall,
So don't make up your mind till you've heard them all.

The computer won't answer every problem in your life,
Nor will it be the solution to built-up mental strife.
Theories are culminated within the human mind
When the imaginative content to which you're inclined

Causes what you learned from the time you were born
To be allowed to become twisted and torn,
So that the scriptures you knew and considered right
Are now bent or ignored, or put out of sight.

The Bible was once your most conclusive link
To every situation when it was important to think
About what God wants to be accomplished in you,
Because there are some things he has for you to do.

Abilities are not on his requirement list,
He'll use what you have when you mentally insist
That you'll follow His Word, no matter how you feel,
Then His presence in your life will become so real,

That no illness or incident that has ever occurred,
Could keep you from being fulfilled by God's word.
This will all happen when you inwardly decide
That His word will keep you fully satisfied,

Then The Holy Spirit will control whatever you do,
And will show you the task He has for you.
Your mind and your spirit will be completely at rest
Because you will then be able to give Him your best.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope