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Pressure Cooker and Teakettle

Have you gone to church with disposition so sweet,
Till you discovered someone sitting in your favorite seat?
Did you sit elsewhere and be a pleasant onlooker,
Or did you sizzle and steam like a pressure cooker?

Did you enjoy the service and the presence of the Lord,
Or did you bulge at the seams and sit there bored?
Did your hands get hot and your insides churn
While your face became flush and did a slow burn?

And when the last Amen was finally spoken,
Your resolve to be calm was thoroughly broken.
You raced for your car, Spiritually Dead
Because you didn't hear anything that was said.

Has the Love of Jesus become so far from your heart
that you don't have the love and peace to impart,
A word of kindness, a scripture to repeat,
Because some is sitting in your favorite seat?

Or, did you know what you came to church for,
And had the joy of the Lord as you came in the door.
Like a Teakettle that bubbles and sings
You had the gladness the Holy Ghost brings?

Inspired by His Presence within your soul
Winning souls for Jesus is your only goal,
Coming to his house so everyone can see
You bubbling like that teakettle, so happily.

Your presence in God's house reflected by your talk,
His presence in your life reflected by your walk.
Are you able to show others what God had done for you,
And the triumphant doors He has brought you to?

Is the Love of Jesus exhibited in your happy face
So everyone can see the evidence of His Grace?
Then you can tell them they can have what they see,
And best of all, it's absolutely free.

Just let them know that they can make a start
By accepting Jesus with all their heart
Receiving forgiveness for all their sin
With happiness and joy and peace within.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Haven of Hope