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Thanksgiving Day

After their arrival in America in Sixteen-twenty-two
Some pilgrims didn't survive the first Winter through.
They weren't prepared for weather so severe,
They were not Farmers, that was quite clear

For they didn't know how to grow and harvest crops
Some starved, and because the temperature drops
Below freezing, and without Winter clothes,
A lot of them perished, they simply froze.

They learned the survival that hardship transcends
When the local Indians became their friends,
And taught them how to store food and wood,
There were language barriers, but they understood

That helping one another helped them survive
And making warm clothing would help them stay alive.
That next fall they harvested crops,
And because they didn't have stores or shops.

They were blessed with a great harvest to reap,
With much more provisions than they could keep.
So, they planned a banquet the Indians could share
Joining together in a common prayer,

Praising God for the Turkey, beans and corn,
And that's how Thanksgiving Day was born.
Not because they had plenty to eat,
But because God had provided vegetables and meat.

And Down through History, Thanksgiving Day
Has become to all just another way
Instead of merely eating enough,
To eat, and drink, and cram, and stuff.

When, instead, we should gather in one accord,
Giving thanks and praise to our loving Lord
For giving His son Jesus to die in our stead
And when that Son arose from the Dead,

Rising to heaven to make us free,
Granting Salvation for you and me,
And a new life when we call on Him and pray,
Giving meaning to the words "Thanksgiving day"

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope