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Thanksgiving and Praise

When something stressful happens and you feel a need to pray
Do you begin by telling God about your need today?
Do you ask for guidance as you go from place to place,
Remaining confidant that you have reached the throne of Grace?

You ought to be aware that it's recorded in God's word,
There are ways to pray and know that you are being heard
And that if you expect your dreary burden to lift,
Don't approach God's presence without a gift.

For that's how the Israelites were interacted to pray,
And we must not think that we're any better than they.
For they knew the law and that there were no ways
To approach God's presence without Thanksgiving and Praise.

Everyone has his proper gift from heaven,
It's recorded in First Corinthians Seven, seven.
So if your future seems sort of hazy and dim
Try giving yourself and your Gift back to Him

Then if you approach the throne with Thanksgiving and Praise,
Letting God control all your thoughts and your ways,
The moment of stress will no longer be there,
It's been sent someplace that only God knows where.

You'll find that your problem no longer exists,
Every Satanic effort, God's Holy Spirit resists,
And you learned to take time, on stressful days
And Entered His courts with Thanksgiving and Praise.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope