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The Price For You And Me

Don't you think Jesus knew, from the time He was a child
That He would one day be desecrated and defiled?
"My Father's business calls" He said, when only twelve years old,
As an adult He said He had many sheep to bring into the fold.

He knew He was to be the savior of all Mankind
And that He was the Sacrifice that God had designed,
To take the place of animals, whose blood could never atone
And pardon for sin could be accomplished by the son of God, alone.

As a child, I think Jesus knew the price that He must pay
For the freedom from evil and bondage that we have today.
Satan had tried to eliminate him from the time he was born
Until He reached Golgotha, battered, bruised and torn.

With a scourge they had literally ripped the flesh from his back,
And after so much abuse, even his face was turning black.
It is very likely that before our redeemer died,
He hadn't much blood to shed when the spear plunged into his side.

When Jesus went to the cross, He went there willingly
Because His blood was the purchase price for you and me.
He rose from the grave victorious, and ,went to the Father above,
Freeing us from the grip of Sin, and giving us peace and Love.

Say "Forgive me, Lord Jesus", that's all you have to do,
He'll take away all your sin, and give transformation to you.
The rest of your life will be joyful, and full of love each day
Because Jesus cleansed your soul and took all your sin away.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope